Il nostri piccolo principe :Prince David

Il bambino si chiama Prince David. Questo bambino è nato dagenitori giovani, sua madre è Jacklyntuazon 18 anni e il padre è Ariel Taladro 19 anni.
I suoi occhi sono pieni di speranza e di gioia, non si può vedere né sofferenza né dolore. I suoi occhi ... sono luminosi ... pieni di vita ...
Nel suo primo mese di vita in questo mondo ha sperimentato un forte dolore, è stato ricoverato in ospedale, perché non ha l’ano completo.
I medici hanno deciso di fare un “foro” nel suo corpo e inserire un tubo.
Il dolore è diventato ancora più grande per la madre quando ha visto che suo figlio non era curato in ospedale.
Molte volte si appellava ai dottori per i bisogni del suo bambino, ma non rispondevano adeguatamente.
Quando una parte del corpo del bambino ha cominciato a gonfiarsi, la madre ha rimosso l'apparecchio eha portato il bambinoa casa per prendersi cura da sola del figlio. “Fanno questo perché non abbiamo soldi”. Ha detto la madre.
Suo padre è un giovane che lavora duramenteper sostenere la famiglia nel miglior modo possibile.
Lui lavora per i materiali plastici per guadagnare 300 pesos (5 euro) al giorno.
Un giorno ci ha detto parlando con voce dolce cercando una certa forza: "Così, anche la notte diventa giorno per me. Ho perso i miei genitori e mia moglie ha sua madre e suo padre con un'altra famiglia. Siamo giovani che cercano qualcuno che ci può guidare e aiutare non sappiamo cosa fare ... ".
Gli occhi di questo figlio parlano di speranza e piangono per la vita, Si attende che vengano i MAGI nella sua vita.
Deve ancora essere operato. In questo momento ha un Tubo temporaneo nel suo stomaco. Adesso ha 1 anno di età e lo hanno chiamato Prince David.
A nome dei genitori esprimiamola loro gratitudine per l’aiuto che stato offerto al loro bambino
E noi suore Francescane Missionarie del Sacro Cuore della Missione nelle Filippine vogliamo esprimere la nostra gratitudine e ringraziarvi per essere state delle “SIGNORE “come i RE MAGI.
Il buon Signore vi benedica.
I suoi occhi sono pieni di speranza e di gioia, non si può vedere né sofferenza né dolore. I suoi occhi ... sono luminosi ... pieni di vita ...
Nel suo primo mese di vita in questo mondo ha sperimentato un forte dolore, è stato ricoverato in ospedale, perché non ha l’ano completo.
I medici hanno deciso di fare un “foro” nel suo corpo e inserire un tubo.
Il dolore è diventato ancora più grande per la madre quando ha visto che suo figlio non era curato in ospedale.
Molte volte si appellava ai dottori per i bisogni del suo bambino, ma non rispondevano adeguatamente.
Quando una parte del corpo del bambino ha cominciato a gonfiarsi, la madre ha rimosso l'apparecchio eha portato il bambinoa casa per prendersi cura da sola del figlio. “Fanno questo perché non abbiamo soldi”. Ha detto la madre.
Suo padre è un giovane che lavora duramenteper sostenere la famiglia nel miglior modo possibile.
Lui lavora per i materiali plastici per guadagnare 300 pesos (5 euro) al giorno.
Un giorno ci ha detto parlando con voce dolce cercando una certa forza: "Così, anche la notte diventa giorno per me. Ho perso i miei genitori e mia moglie ha sua madre e suo padre con un'altra famiglia. Siamo giovani che cercano qualcuno che ci può guidare e aiutare non sappiamo cosa fare ... ".
Gli occhi di questo figlio parlano di speranza e piangono per la vita, Si attende che vengano i MAGI nella sua vita.
Deve ancora essere operato. In questo momento ha un Tubo temporaneo nel suo stomaco. Adesso ha 1 anno di età e lo hanno chiamato Prince David.
A nome dei genitori esprimiamola loro gratitudine per l’aiuto che stato offerto al loro bambino
E noi suore Francescane Missionarie del Sacro Cuore della Missione nelle Filippine vogliamo esprimere la nostra gratitudine e ringraziarvi per essere state delle “SIGNORE “come i RE MAGI.
Il buon Signore vi benedica.
Sr Teresita ci scrive.......
Dear Sabrina
Peace and goodness with this month, we constantly go for the Hospital with prince .He undergo with the following medical test again Clearance x-ray of his lungs , Heart , Bones , blood plate for the position of intestines. he is in farther evaluation after receiving the result the doctor explain to us that he need to undergo with 3 times operation but with this time he undergo already operation of his anus.... he already in the hospital for 4 days , he was admitted Tuesday afternoon every day we try our best to stay with them because we find out that the parents of Prince David has difficulties to write and read and understand some instructions in the evening we go home home.... for our community and the family will substitute us thank you in advance sorry at this time i cannot send you the photo of Prince .
united always in prayer
Sr. Teresita
Dear Sabrina
Peace and goodness with this month, we constantly go for the Hospital with prince .He undergo with the following medical test again Clearance x-ray of his lungs , Heart , Bones , blood plate for the position of intestines. he is in farther evaluation after receiving the result the doctor explain to us that he need to undergo with 3 times operation but with this time he undergo already operation of his anus.... he already in the hospital for 4 days , he was admitted Tuesday afternoon every day we try our best to stay with them because we find out that the parents of Prince David has difficulties to write and read and understand some instructions in the evening we go home home.... for our community and the family will substitute us thank you in advance sorry at this time i cannot send you the photo of Prince .
united always in prayer
Sr. Teresita
Aggiornamento sulle condizioni di Prince David....
Dearest Sabrina,
Peace and goodness.
We are happy to inform you about the present situation of Prince David Tuazon. He was being operated last December 15, 2017. He stayed in the hospital for a week time.
His next check-up will be on January 4, 2018, and according to the doctor there will be another two (2) operations to be done but as of now we do not know yet when.
We assisted also the family so as to avail help from the Philippine government. After being processed all their documents, help was granted for the first operation of the child.
Days after the operation, we invited the whole family in the convent, and we noticed the better change to the physical condition of the child.
With so much gratitude, the family (and we sisters) are very thankful to your generosity.
And we thank you for your Christmas greetings to us.
Thank once more.
Sr. Teresita and community
Dearest Sabrina,
Peace and goodness.
We are happy to inform you about the present situation of Prince David Tuazon. He was being operated last December 15, 2017. He stayed in the hospital for a week time.
His next check-up will be on January 4, 2018, and according to the doctor there will be another two (2) operations to be done but as of now we do not know yet when.
We assisted also the family so as to avail help from the Philippine government. After being processed all their documents, help was granted for the first operation of the child.
Days after the operation, we invited the whole family in the convent, and we noticed the better change to the physical condition of the child.
With so much gratitude, the family (and we sisters) are very thankful to your generosity.
And we thank you for your Christmas greetings to us.
Thank once more.
Sr. Teresita and community
Sr Teresita ci scrive.......16 Febbraio 2018
Dearest Sabrina,
Peace and goodness!
We are sending you our greetings of “buon cammino quaresimale” – con gratitudine prepariamoci questo momento opportuno in preghiera reciproca, includendo sempre i nostri prossimi bisognosi.
We are happy to update you about the situation of Prince David. From the month of January 2018, he has medical check-up with the doctor every two weeks. Thanks be to God can be seen the progress of his physical condition. He reached now the number 15 of “dilatatore di hegar” – a sort of iron bar to insert to his anus every day. His next medical visit will be on March 1.
The mother of Prince also delivered her new baby last February 12. We called her at phone and everything is normal, in fact she came back home yesterday.
On March 1 we will ask from the doctor as to when will be the next operation of Prince because he was mentioning the other time maybe by month of March. Then of course we will tell you about it.
We, the sisters, are very grateful for your generosity and even more from the part of Prince’s family. We are thanking too the nephew of Sr. Emmapia for the financial assistance to the child.
Thank you again.
Sr. Teresita and community of Quezon City-Philippines
Peace and goodness!
We are sending you our greetings of “buon cammino quaresimale” – con gratitudine prepariamoci questo momento opportuno in preghiera reciproca, includendo sempre i nostri prossimi bisognosi.
We are happy to update you about the situation of Prince David. From the month of January 2018, he has medical check-up with the doctor every two weeks. Thanks be to God can be seen the progress of his physical condition. He reached now the number 15 of “dilatatore di hegar” – a sort of iron bar to insert to his anus every day. His next medical visit will be on March 1.
The mother of Prince also delivered her new baby last February 12. We called her at phone and everything is normal, in fact she came back home yesterday.
On March 1 we will ask from the doctor as to when will be the next operation of Prince because he was mentioning the other time maybe by month of March. Then of course we will tell you about it.
We, the sisters, are very grateful for your generosity and even more from the part of Prince’s family. We are thanking too the nephew of Sr. Emmapia for the financial assistance to the child.
Thank you again.
Sr. Teresita and community of Quezon City-Philippines
Sr Teresita ci scrive.......11 Aprile 2018
Dearest Sabrina,
Peace and goodness… and a joyful Easter to you.
Please allow us to send you the latest pictures of Prince David after four months of his first operation. As you can see in the picture he is smiling with gratitude… and very proud of his little brother. We, too, as community is extending our joy and gratitude to all of you.
Last week, we have finished all the analysis and procedures for the preparation of his next operation. We attached here the quotations for the second operation. We would like to inform that we were able to get small help also from the Philippine government.
As of now we are waiting the doctor to tell us the exact date of his second operation (surely it will be with-in this week).
Thank you with all our hearts and God bless.
Sr. Teresita and community
Peace and goodness… and a joyful Easter to you.
Please allow us to send you the latest pictures of Prince David after four months of his first operation. As you can see in the picture he is smiling with gratitude… and very proud of his little brother. We, too, as community is extending our joy and gratitude to all of you.
Last week, we have finished all the analysis and procedures for the preparation of his next operation. We attached here the quotations for the second operation. We would like to inform that we were able to get small help also from the Philippine government.
As of now we are waiting the doctor to tell us the exact date of his second operation (surely it will be with-in this week).
Thank you with all our hearts and God bless.
Sr. Teresita and community